Designing immersive and interactive experiences for positive change

Immersive and interactive technologies do not yet feature in existing design frameworks for eliciting positive change that draw on research across human-computer interaction, user centred design and psychology. But recently researchers in Canada carried out a review of immersive and interactive experiences for positive change to distil common design strategies based on the experience’s inputs, …

Can experiences be designed to support transcendence?

‘Positive technology’ researches how technology can elicit positive change and wellbeing. ‘Computer-mediated self-transcendence’ is a new area of positive technology that explores how immersive and gaming technologies can be combined with art to facilitate transcendent experiences. Immersive tech simulates alternative worlds to challenge our consciousness and awareness of ourselves and tricks our bodies into behaving …

What are transcendent experiences?

Types of transcendent experiences  Transpersonal psychology has sought to integrate transcendent (often spiritual) experiences within modern psychological theories. These experiences include peak experiences and flow states. Whereas the former are caused by external events and entail a high level of stimulation or euphoria, the latter are internal mental states that occur when we’re so completely …

Seeking transcendence

The religious experience Discussions about transcendence often begin with questions about the origins of religion and that aspect of God’s nature and power that is wholly independent of the world, universe and natural laws. The religious experience somehow overcomes the limits of physical existence. One suggestion is that religion arose to promote social bonding by …

The potential for transformational art

The arrival of the Transformation Economy has huge potential for designing new types of aesthetic experience; for example, those that encourage more active participation. Three stages of transformational art Diagnose aspirations. How can art experiences be designed for us individually? How can each of our aspirations be identified and understood in advance? Stage experience(s). How can …

Get ready for the Transformation Economy!

The emergence of the experience economy begs the question: what comes next? If the economy’s evolution is driven by differentiation, then what happens when experiences become undifferentiated and no longer feel memorable (‘been there, done that’)? Get ready for the Transformation Economy where the focus is no longer on the experience of using the product (or …

New types of aesthetic experiences

The four types of experiences hint that new types could be possible. For example, aesthetic experiences focus on immersing our bodies in an activity or environment often in a passive way. What's the opportunity for new aesthetic experiences that encourage more active participation? New forms of immersive storytelling First, look at how PunchDrunk, Shunt and Secret …